
Steam mount and blade bannerlord
Steam mount and blade bannerlord


  • Fixed a bug that caused the commander of a formation to be transferred to another formation in the "Order of Battle" screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused settlement nameplate quest markers to remain after a quest was completed.
  • steam mount and blade bannerlord

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the "Notable wants his/her daughter found" quest timed out while the player was a prisoner.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save file with the "Disrupt Supply Lines" quest active.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to talk to an army leader while waiting in a village.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when collecting revenue from villages in the "Revenue Farming" quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on caravans and other non-troop entities while in the "Order of Battle" stage.
  • Fixed a number of crashes that could occur when loading "Order of Battle" configurations.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when ranged troops ran out-of-ammo.
  • In all other cases, the seller and the buyer solves the problem only through the administrator of the trading platform.
  • All problems are considered only in cases where the description of this product does not match.
  • In the event of force majeure situations with your account (return, theft, restrictions on the purchase / exchange, etc.), you have no claims to us.
  • If you have successfully logged into your account, it can no longer be exchanged / returned. All disputes will be resolved only if the buyer provides a video of the purchase of the goods.
  • Attempts to deceive will be recorded and reported to the administration.
  • steam mount and blade bannerlord

    More detailed here: Ĩ) Go back to the mail you received and delete all emails from Steam (it is better to use the search in the mail), be sure to delete them from the basket as well


    📌Instructions for entering and changing account data:Ģ) Go to the account settings section and click "Change contact email address" and send the access code to change the data ģ) Enter the received mail, copy the code and paste it into the Steam window Ĥ) Click change "Contact email", enter your email and click send code ĥ) Go to your mail, copy the code and paste it into the previous window Ħ) Then click "Change password", follow the same procedure with the code (the code will already be sent to your mail), come up with a password, enter it twice ħ) At the top right, click the "About account" button, then find the "link phone" button. ❌Steam Marketplace and Add Friends (may add you) may not work.īy purchasing this product, you can get an Origin account with a random paid game for free! To do this, leave a positive review of the form: "I want a gift", after which within 72 hours we will write the data from the account in the correspondence with the seller. ❌Vac blocking for other games is possible on the account.

    steam mount and blade bannerlord

    ✅ Many accounts have a lot of inactivity. ✅ On all accounts, you can change all data, including password, mail, and you can also bind a phone.

    steam mount and blade bannerlord

    ✅Other paid games are very often found on the account, inventory or balance - this is an additional bonus from us. Storm mountain strongholds with siege weapons, create secret criminal empires in the outskirts of cities, or seek glory in the chaos of fierce battles. Improvements have been made to both the combat system and Calradia itself. This game takes place 200 years before the beginning of the first part.


    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is the long-awaited sequel to the acclaimed RPG and medieval warfare simulator Mount & Blade: Warband.

    Steam mount and blade bannerlord